Tangle Island Zentangle Workshop | Tangle Island (square.site)

CZT Nancy Dawes and I are getting ready to serve up an exciting workshop retreat the first weekend in June. Our special guest teacher this year is CZT Helene Goulet. Check out the website for more exciting information on in person classes and Zoom connections.

I am still sorting out kins on this website.. but hope to get it behind me soon…

meanwhile Spring has come to Mayne Island.. crocus and snowdrops are up, and my creative juices are curtailing my desire to do my computer homework.. Take care and happy tangling.. more to come…


Jerryann Hopperton Hamilton Jerryann Hopperton Hamilton

September Classes!

Almost finished setting up this new website!!!! I will be offering zoom classes in September.. so check back and see the line up! So excited to be able to connect and create again. See you in September!

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Jerryann Hopperton Hamilton Jerryann Hopperton Hamilton

What Fun We had!

One of the things I loved most about Tangle Island is meeting new friends and old. Some of the attendees have been coming since the first TI and some were new, some in person and some on our big Zoom screen. It is so inspiring to see what each artist creates from the projects I teach.

When I do a class… like Hummingbirds in Flight I try to teach a variety of approaches and techniques, so it’s doesn’t have to be cookie cutter art, (tho sometimes its fun to see if you can get the same result as shown and then take it from there). In presenting a smorgasbord of approaches and techniques I feel the artist can showcase their own unique style! In this class I designed hummingbird stencils and then showed how to modify them so using a stencil doesn’t limit one. I was so inspired and impressed with the class results. This is what makes our journey together such an exciting adventure.

Now I am working on creating more fun and versatile classes, to develop and excite your inner artist. … stay tuned :-)

Hummingbirds in Flight … in class photo Tangle Island 2022

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Jerryann Hopperton Hamilton Jerryann Hopperton Hamilton

Tangle Island 2022

I’m getting so excited about seeing old friends and new this year at TI 2022. The live in person spaces are all sold out but we have a few Zoom spaces and kits still open. Here is the link to all the good news!

Tangle Island

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